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deerenbung's home

Welcome to my website. If you are here it's probably because you've read my translations of extreme hentai. I've got a few, more original ideas for porn - check back here or follow me on Twitter @deerenbung to hear about them.

On this site you can find a complete reference to all my translations, a peek at what I'm currently working on, and a few other bits besides.

Warning: this site is extremely nsfw. While I currently have no plans to host explicit images there will be lots of inappropriate text, and links especially should be assumed to lead directly to hardcore pornography.

Even if you have come here looking for porn please browse with caution. Expect to see extreme content including rape, scat, vomit and bestiality everywhere.

Misc posts

I recently wrote about the censorship in Chapter 3 Part 1, mostly because I like the sound of my own voice, but also in case it interests anyone. I might write more in the future if I can think of a good topic.